9 September 2018 Version 2.0.2 released
Post date: Sep 09, 2018 9:47:5 PM
9 September 2018
Version 2.0.2 released
* Improved the driver stability, and added a checkbutton by the virtual mode buttons to choose to use the slow driver mode or not. The slow driver is less likely to cause a total system lockup, but it will use more CPU, cause smaller lockups, and therefore be slower overall.
* Removed the color from the buttons in the bottom status bar by default, and it now uses a more simple method to highlight the buttons that works with systems that the colors don't work on. Added an advanced option to use colors in the bottom status bar for systems that support it. The colors look nice if your system supports it, so I am dissapointed that it doesn't work on some newer systems.